I am a Ph.D Candidate in Biology (Computional Biology) at the School of Life Sciences, Westlake University, advised by Prof Weike Pei & Prof Yanxiao Zhang. Before i joined Westlake University, I worked with Professor Jie Wang at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
I am also an amateur bodybuilder with 125KG maximal weight for bench press, 180KG maximal weight for Deadlift, and 170KG maximal weight for Squat.
📡 Research Interset
- Developing computational tools for single-cell genomics and spatial genomics
- Constructing large-scale cell atlas based on cutting-edge sequencing technologies
- Investigating regulatory mechanisms in cell fate decision and disease occurrence
🚩 Professional Experience in Computional Biology
Ph.d Candidate in Biology (Computional Biology) at Westlake University. 2022.08-present
Research Assistant at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2021.03-2022.06 (Get computational biology training here, with great gratitude to Professor Jie Wang)
Bioinformatician Intern at Singleron Biotech. 2020.12-2021.02 (Just run pipeline, boring……)
Master in Genomics & Bioinformatics at Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2020.09-2021.11 (Where my bioinformatics journey begin)
📝 Selected Publications
*: co-first, #: correspondence
scLTdb: a comprehensive single cell lineage tracing database |
CACIMAR: cross-species analysis of cell identities, markers, regulations, and interactions using single-cell RNA sequencing data |
IReNA: Integrated Regulatory Network Analysis of Single-Cell Transcriptomes and Chromatin Accessibility Profiles |
📝 Other Publications
Yunhui Kong*, Junyao Jiang*,#, Weikang Kong, Sheng Qin#. DRCTdb: disease-related cell type analysis to decode cell type effect and underlying regulatory mechanisms. Communications Biology, Sep 2024 (Co-first & Co-correspondence)
Ying Xin*, Pin Lyu*, Junyao Jiang, Fengquan Zhou, Jie Wang, Seth Blackshaw, Jiang Qian. LRLoop: Feedback loops as a design principle of cell-cell communication. Bioinformatics, July 2022
Dapeng Sun*, Xiaojie Gan*, Lei Liu*, Yuan Yang*, Dongyang Ding, Wen Li, Junyao Jiang, et al. DNA hypermethylation modification promotes the development of hepatocellular carcinoma by depressing the tumor suppressor gene ZNF334. Cell Death & Disease, May 2022
🀄 Award
- 2024 National Scholarship
💻 Maintained Software
- IReNA Consturct gene regualtory networks based on single cell multiomics data
- CACIMAR scRNA-seq based cross-species data analysis
- FateMapper single cell lineage tracing data analysis and visualization
- scLTdb Database for single cell lineage tracing
📛 Mentorship
Xing Ye: Undergraduate from University of Science and Technology of China, 2023.11-2024.06. (Co-first author at scLTdb project)