ATAC-seq preprocessing pipeline
This pipeline is developed for ATAC-seq data pre-processing of IReNA. Result of step4 (sample1_rmdup.bam.bam), step8 (differential_peaks.bed) and step10 (footprints.bed) are input of IReNA. Test data used in IReNA can be download from
Step 1: convert sra file to fastq file
If you ATAC-seq data derive from SRA database, you need to use fastq-dump function in sra toolkit to convert sra file to fastq file.
### For one sample
fastq-dump --gzip --split-3 SRR5099531.1
### For multiple samples, use for loop to perform this operation on all files
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); do fastq-dump --gzip --split-3 SRR509953"$i".1 ; done;
Step 2: Quality control
First, use fastqc to check reads quality.
fastqc SRR509953*.fastq
Then trim reads. fastp is a user friendly software which can remove adapator and low quality reads automatically.
### For one sample
fastp -i SRR5099531.1_1.fastq.gz -I SRR5099531.1_2.fastq.gz -o sample1_1.fastq.gz -O sample1_2.fastq.gz
### For multiple samples, use for loop to perform this operation on all files
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); do fastp -i SRR509953"$i".1_1.fastq.gz -I SRR509953"$i".1_2.fastq.gz -o sample"$i"_1.fastq.gz -O sample"$i"_2.fastq.gz ; done;
If you have adapator sequence, you can use cutadapt to remove adaptor.
### For one sample
### For multiple samples, use for loop to perform this operation on all files
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); cutadapt -m 5 -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTGACGCTGCCGACGA -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTCCGAGCCCACGAGAC -A CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTGACGCTGCCGACGA -A CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTCCGAGCCCACGAGAC -o sample"$i"_1.fastq.gz -p sample"$i"_2.fastq.gz SRR509953"$i".1_1.fastq.gz SRR509953"$i".1_2.fastq.gz > sample"$i"_log.txt ; done;
Step 3: Mapping
Before mapping, you need to create bowtie2 index with reference genome which can be download from USCS or NCBI.
bowtie2-build hg38/genome/hg38.fa hg38/bt2index/hg38_index
### For one sample
bowtie2 -p 30 -x hg38/bt2index/hg38_index -1 sample1_1.fastq.gz -2 sample1_2.fastq.gz -S sample1.sam
### For multiple samples, use for loop to perform this operation on all files
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); do bowtie2 -p 30 -x hg38/bt2index/hg38_index -1 sample"$i"_1.fastq.gz -2 sample"$i"_2.fastq.gz -S sample"$i".sam ; done;
Step 4: Filter low-quality reads (MAPQ score < 10), then remove duplicate with samtools
### For one sample
samtools view -f 0x2 -q 10 -bh sample1.sam > sample1.bam
samtools sort -@ 5 sample1.bam -o sample1_sorted.bam
samtools rmdup sample1_sorted.bam sample1_rmdup.bam
### For multiple samples, use for loop to perform this operation on all files
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); do samtools view -f 0x2 -q 10 -bh sample"$i".sam > sample"$i"q10.bam ; done;
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); do samtools sort -@ 5 sample"$i"q10.bam > sample"$i"sorted.bam ; done;
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); do samtools rmdup sample"$i"sorted.bam sample"$i"rmdup.bam ; done;
Step 5: Call peaks with macs2
### For one sample
macs2 callpeak -t sample1_rmdup.bam --nomodel --shift -100 --extsize 200 -g mm -n sample1 > macs2_log.txt
### For multiple samples, use for loop to perform this operation on all files
for (( i = 1; i < 7; i++)); do macs2 callpeak -t sample"$i"rmdup.bam --nomodel --shift -100 --extsize 200 -g hs -n sample"$i" > macs2_log.txt ; done;
Step 6: Merge all peaks and generate gtf file
We merge all peaks through merge_peak function in IReNA and generate peaks file of bed format.
### R code
sample1_peaks <- read.delim("sample1_peaks.narrowPeak", header=FALSE)
sample2_peaks <- read.delim("sample2_peaks.narrowPeak", header=FALSE)
sample3_peaks <- read.delim("sample3_peaks.narrowPeak", header=FALSE)
sample4_peaks <- read.delim("sample4_peaks.narrowPeak", header=FALSE)
sample5_peaks <- read.delim("sample5_peaks.narrowPeak", header=FALSE)
sample6_peaks <- read.delim("sample6_peaks.narrowPeak", header=FALSE)
all_peak <- rbind(sample1_peaks, sample2_peaks, sample3_peaks, sample4_peaks, sample5_peaks, sample6_peaks)
peaks_merged_gtf <- generate_peak_gtf(all_peak)
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
## 1 chr1 . exon 10075 10575 . . . gene_id Peak1
## 2 chr1 . exon 180931 181431 . . . gene_id Peak2
## 3 chr1 . exon 191203 191703 . . . gene_id Peak3
## 4 chr1 . exon 629711 630211 . . . gene_id Peak4
## 5 chr1 . exon 632795 633295 . . . gene_id Peak5
## 6 chr1 . exon 633252 633752 . . . gene_id Peak6
write.table(peaks_merged_gtf, 'peaks_merged.gtf', quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F, sep = '\t')
Step 7: Calculate raw counts withn htseq
If sample has repeat, combine those repeat for further analysis. In our test data, sample1rmdup.bam and sample2_rmdup.bam are repeat of SSC patient1 sample, sample3_rmdup.bam and sample4_rmdup.bam are repeat of SSC patient2 sample, sample5_rmdup.bam and sample6_rmdup.bam are repeat of esc sample.
samtools merge SSC_patient1.bam sample1_rmdup.bam sample2_rmdup.bam
samtools merge SSC_patient2.bam sample3_rmdup.bam sample4_rmdup.bam
samtools merge esc.bam sample5_rmdup.bam sample6_rmdup.bam
Calculate raw counts
htseq-count -r pos --idattr gene_id --stranded no -a 10 -f bam SSC_patient1.bam peaks_merged.gtf > SSC_patient1_Counts.txt
htseq-count -r pos --idattr gene_id --stranded no -a 10 -f bam SSC_patient2.bam peaks_merged.gtf > SSC_patient2_Counts.txt
htseq-count -r pos --idattr gene_id --stranded no -a 10 -f bam esc.bam peaks_merged.gtf > esc_Counts.txt
Step 8: Combine all samples, and calculate differential peaks according to edgeR
edgeR needs more than two samples to make grouping to identify differential peaks, so if your sample numbers are less than 2, just use all peaks.
### R code
### If you have more than two samples, run the following codes
<- read.delim("SSC_patient1_Counts.txt", header=FALSE)
SSC_patient1_Counts <- read.delim("SSC_patient2_Counts.txt", header=FALSE)
SSC_patient2_Counts <- read.delim("esc_Counts.txt", header=FALSE)
esc_Counts head(SSC_patient1_Counts)
## V1 V2
## 1 Peak1 48
## 2 Peak10 42
## 3 Peak100 81
## 4 Peak1000 66
## 5 Peak10000 45
## 6 Peak100001 50
<- read.delim("peak_merged.gtf", header=FALSE)
peaks_gtf <- cbind(SSC_patient1_Counts, SSC_patient2_Counts[,2], esc_Counts[,2])
count_all head(count_all)
## V1 V2 SSC_patient2_Counts[, 2] esc_Counts[, 2]
## 1 Peak1 48 81 25
## 2 Peak10 42 38 9
## 3 Peak100 81 40 57
## 4 Peak1000 66 71 71
## 5 Peak10000 45 45 80
## 6 Peak100001 50 6 0
<- merge_sort_count(count_all, peaks_gtf)
merged_count head(merged_count) ### first column is chromosome, second column is peak start site, third column is peak end site, the fourth through sixth columns are counts
## V1 V4 V5 V2 SSC_patient2_Counts[, 2] esc_Counts[, 2]
## Peak1 chr1 10075 10575 48 81 25
## Peak2 chr1 180931 181431 152 296 28
## Peak3 chr1 191203 191703 29 38 15
## Peak4 chr1 629711 630211 994 585 767
## Peak5 chr1 632795 633295 11 9 5
## Peak6 chr1 633252 633752 9 10 1
<- c(1,1,2) ### set group for three sample
group1 <- diff_peaks(merged_count[,4:6], group1) ### identify differential peaks
differenetial_peaks1 head(differenetial_peaks1)
## logFC Pval Fdr
## Peak1 -2.539324 0.0039457489 0.025080642
## Peak2 -4.178278 0.0003417604 0.003915739
## Peak3 -2.315774 0.0084608352 0.046741140
## Peak4 -1.184688 0.2392151948 0.552758160
## Peak5 -2.114167 0.0159970874 0.078774252
## Peak6 -4.164203 0.0002612022 0.003260892
<- merged_count[differenetial_peaks1[,3]<0.05,] ### filter peaks whose FDR is more than 0.05 differenetial_peaks2
write.table(differential_peaks[, c(1,2,3)], 'differential_peaks.bed', quote = F, = F, col.names = F, sep = '\t')
### If you only have one sample, run the following codes
SSC_patient1_Counts <- read.delim("SSC_patient1_Counts.txt", header=FALSE)
peaks_gtf <- read.delim("peak_merged.gtf", header=FALSE)
merged_count <- merge_sort_count(SSC_patient1_Counts, peaks_gtf)
write.table(merged_count[, c(1,2,3)], 'peaks.bed', quote = F, = F, col.names = F, sep = '\t')
Step 9: Merge bam files
Merge all bam files for footprints calling
samtools merge merged_all.bam sample1_rmdup.bam sample2_rmdup.bam sample3_rmdup.bam sample4_rmdup.bam sample5_rmdup.bam sample6_rmdup.bam
Step 10: Calculate footprints of merged bam files with HINT
Use hint to call footprints
rgt-hint footprinting --atac-seq --paired-end --organism=hg38 merged_all.bam differential_peaks.bed
Use tag-count score > 80th percentile as threshold to identify footprints with high quality
### R code
<- read.table('footprints.bed',sep='\t',header = T)
footprints <- footprints[footprints$V5 > quantile(footprints$V5, 0.8),]
footprints_80th <- footprints_80th[,c(1,2,3,5)]
footprints_80th write.table(footprints_80th, 'filtered_footprints.bed', quote=F, sep = '\t', row.names = F, col.names = F)